The Gang...................................(Bang)

About the Tollbar Gits

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These are some pics of the team, and some stupid ones thrown in too.

He he, this writing is smaller.

Adam finally cracks and decides to pop his clogs!

Billy (as team leader) decides to do something quite unneccessary to our good friend Bob (a.k.a Jamie)

This is Sellim, our team midget. Very cool though

This is our home, where we have a hamster ranch and various other animals (mostly for Adam)

And this is our snail ranch. We often like to race them, but Lewis just had to cheat, didn't he?

We don't play golf it's really boring and gay, but Heva and Nat have suddenly taken an interest. I wonder why?

This holiday seemed way too warm and relaxing, so we decided to a nice trip to Bermuda Triangle. Only five of us returned.

this is a local school(the gay woman is jess)

After math of Lewis' curry

Adam found this guy the perfect size for his 'Ass-Antics'

There's our house again.

Poor little guy... No seriously, that must stink! Not just the cameraman, the woman on top of him too!

Meet Gary.

The crap holiday again

Shaun's fashion design has gone way too far....Ewww

After math of Kit's curry

After math of Jamie's curry

There's our house again.

Gazza's back

Arrggh. Go away. Stupid damn holiday

Crap holiday again


After math of curry in most candidates.



Crap holiday again!

ARRGGH! Fuck off damn holiday!

Wet but warm...

Still have no idea what the hell this is. Maybe we were drunk.

Have a guess