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By now you're probably bored of this site, so go ahead and try some of these out. You may as well, I mean you've got nothing else to do.

Yeah, same thing as above.

Remember: it's important to regularly change the content on your site and make updates to the information that you display. Doing this will help you to get more return visitors.

Check these out

Music Rated by Nat and Heva.

Retarded Fun

Do we really need to tell you?


Kit's dad's Band {from the U.S of A}

Games Garage

Some damn good games here!

More Stuff
This sounds like a larf. Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
AllTheWeb Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Google Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
English Google Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Miniclip Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Great Flash Games Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Microsoft...(yawn) Don't ask me why it's on here! Ok have his instead... Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Shockwave Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Check your e-mail, sir? Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!


Hehe small writing!