About the Tollbar Gits. Also Check out the Poll

About the Tollbar Gits

Photo Page

Adam's Gay Page

Contact Page

People We Like

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If you hadn't guessed I'm called Billy. Me and Kit made this website as well as:

Heva, Jamie, Lewis, Sel, Adam{the team gay}, Nat And anyone else who wants to be annoying and leech off us.

We forgot about ickle Gary.{sorry}and Shaun {not sorry}

This is adam!!

As you can see he look's gay and bums sheep.

in fact he bums anything moving.

including:dogs,cows,monkeys,small kids,and Shaun.

As I'm in charge Idecided to sack adam and replace him with a sea cucumber.

The Poll
Haha there is no poll! But try find one by clicking here


Hehe still small writing!